In school or out, ensuring that children are still able to play and socialise with others is vitally important.
Christine Maclean, an Assistant Professor of Child and Youth Studies, describes the importance of recovering the somewhat ‘lost art of play’ during lockdown as it is such an important part of childhood development and wellbeing. UNICEF has even made play a ‘right’ for children everywhere yet two years ago, revealing that English councils had closed hundreds of playgrounds. Today, it is encouraging to see that local authorities are seeing a good play area as an investment.
In safe hands
At Playcubed, we have been thinking about how we can support councils as well as other organisations. We want to help with the creation of and investment in a dedicated play area.
Our project on the Brandon Estate in Southwark is just one example of just what is possible. Using trim trails, clamber climbers and activity frames, children can explore and relieve some of the stress many of them are experiencing this year.
With decades of experience, we understand how to design and deliver imaginative play areas efficiently and on time. Public spaces that are simple to supervise and which provide fantastic opportunities for children.
With so much that has changed, we will keep working to ensure that opportunities to play is not lost.
Contact us to see how we can help today