Research has shown that the benefits of sensory play includes helping the growth of cognitive pathways. Sight, sound, smell, touch and taste are an essential part of brain development and learning in the early years.
The systematic incorporation of sense stimulation, into both formal learning and play regimes, actively encourages children to memorise, anticipate, and develop impressions they will rely on as part of learning, for the rest of their lives.
By encouraging them to explore their world for themselves, they also build confidence. In addition they develop coping strategies which are a vital part of general learning, socialisation and problem-solving.
The sensible thing to do
Creating playgrounds specifically designed to stimulate children’s senses is a practical way of ensuring they continue to learn as they play.
At Playcubed, we specialise in something we call ‘Sensory Play Design’. This involves the deliberate incorporation of shapes, colours, textures and other stimuli into a play environment. We find the benefits of sensory play encourages children to explore, discover and interact with others.
These design schemes can also include ‘Sensory Planting’. As a result we introduce natural sights, sounds, smells and sensations from plants and flowers.
Talk to us today, and discover how Playcubed can help open up a world of benefits with our sensory play design.
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