National disability charity, Sense, carried out an inquiry into what play and outdoor opportunities exist for children with complex needs.

As their report states: “Outdoor play is essential to the healthy physical, social and emotional development of all children.”

This led to the creation of toolkits for parents and carers for children age 0 – 5. However, what happens once children start school? How can an inclusive playground accommodate a range of abilities and improve outcomes for pupils with SEN?


Making sense of the world

The charity’s report stresses how important it is to create an environment which supports learning needs for all.

It says: “Children with physical and sensory disabilities may struggle to access information. Children who experience difficulties processing sensory information may choose to avoid certain experiences. Play helps to introduce new sensory stimuli in an accessible and entertaining way.”

At Playcubed, we are committed no matter the complexity of a child’s needs. We commit that the inclusive SEN playground is a place which opens a whole new world of opportunity.

With this in mind, our team understands how to design play areas that promote development. Whether pupils have autism spectrum disorders, learning difficulties or physical disabilities, we can do it.

Our Sensory and Nature areas are particularly popular. In fact, they introduce textures, sounds and numeracy aids which inspire social interaction, cognitive development and creativity.

We understand children with SEN can have unique developmental needs. Hence this is why we never tire of working with schools to produce exceptional spaces that help pupils meet their every challenge.

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